The Startup Playbook Podcast, hosted by Rohit Bhargava, is a weekly series that delves into the journeys of successful entrepreneurs, investors, and industry experts. Each episode explores how these individuals initiated their ventures, the strategies that propelled their success, and their advice for current and aspiring entrepreneurs.
Since its inception, the podcast has featured a diverse array of guests, including high-profile figures such as former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Slack Co-founder Cal Henderson. These conversations provide listeners with practical insights and a "playbook" to enhance their own business endeavors.
Rohit Bhargava is a prominent investor and entrepreneur based in Melbourne, Australia. He is the Founder and General Partner of Playbook Ventures, where he leads the Playbook Angel Network, investing in early-stage startups and helping founders solve significant future challenges. Rohit is also the host of The Startup Playbook Podcast, a leading startup podcast in the region, where he interviews successful founders and investors from around the world. Previously, he co-founded StageLabel, a crowdfunding platform for fashion, which launched over 150 fashion brands globally. Rohit holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Sustainable Energy Systems and a Bachelor of Economics from The Australian National University.