Let's go back to day one, where this story begins...
In 'The History of the Australian Startup Ecosystem' podcast, join host Adam Spencer as they delve into the fascinating history of the Australian startup ecosystem. From the earliest tech companies to the success stories of today, this series covers it all. Each episode will feature interviews with industry pioneers, entrepreneurs, and experts, as well as a deep dive into the events and cultural shifts that have shaped the Australian startup scene. From the dot-com boom to the rise of fintech, this podcast will provide a unique and informative look at the past, present, and future of the Australian startup ecosystem. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out in the world of startups, this podcast is sure to provide valuable insights and inspiration. Tune in to 'The History of the Australian Startup Ecosystem' to learn more about the trailblazers who have paved the way for today's innovators.